Drunken Pintos

The pepper is so stylized it can't be for eating, no wait it is

Make sure to buy at least a six pack. You only use one, but they take a while to cook and you’ll need to occupy your hands somehow. Serve with tacos. Or just eat from the pan, while drinking the other five beers.

Drunken Pintos

  • 16 ounces dried pintos (soaked overnight)
  • 12 ounces lager (not stout)
  • 14.5 ounce can diced tomatoes
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1-2 jalapenos, diced, unseeded
  • 1/2 tbsp hot sauce (we like Tapatio)
  • 1/4 cup cilantro
  • juice from 1/2 lime
  • salt/pepper to taste

Rinse beans and return to stock pan. (A four-quart will do.)Β  Pour in tomatoes, chicken broth and beer. Bring to a boil and add pepper, onions, hot sauce and salt and pepper. Reduce to medium heat and let simmer until beans are tender, about 90 minutes. You may need to add more broth or water if the mix gets too thick and the beans aren’t tender. Once the beans are tender and the mix is thick, add the cilantro and lime juice. Serve hot.

About Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

This blog attempts to collect some of the things I try to create with food and booze. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. My hope is to entertain and maybe help people think a little harder about what they decide to eat and drink.
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46 Responses to Drunken Pintos

  1. At first glance I thought the title of this post was “Drunken Photos” and I got all excited. Though the recipe looks lovely, I want to see the antics after you drank the other 5 beers. πŸ˜‰

  2. nrhatch says:

    We want photos of Drunken Rufus sloshing the drunken pintos around his plate! πŸ˜†

  3. My home-cooked pinto beans never have enough flavor — perhaps the lager would fix that.

  4. A_Boleyn says:

    I only make pinto beans for refried beans so this is a very interesting recipe. I thought cooking beans in acid (tomatoes) prevented them from ever getting tender or is that an old wive’s tale?

  5. Kristy says:

    LOL! I love the way you think. These are some beans I could get behind. πŸ™‚

  6. These look quite tasty!

  7. BrainRants says:

    Lager? Dude, use tequila. And email me some of these!

  8. I can help you with those extra beer.. and those pintos:)

  9. Purely.. Kay says:

    I never liked pinto beans LOL. I don’t know why but I never did. But I think I will give them another try.. you’ve convinced me πŸ™‚

  10. ChgoJohn says:

    Your baked bean recipe was fantastic, so, I’ll need to make these to see how they compare. Let the taste tests begin!

  11. Carolyn Chan says:

    Gorgeous photo! Cooking with alcohol makes food so much more interesting – and you can always drink some while you’re cooking, which makes everyone and everything more interesting haha

  12. Ooh – posh baked beans! Love these and I think the beer was a fun idea πŸ™‚

  13. What great fun…cooking beans in beer! I am sure these little alcohol soaked orbs were delicious.

  14. You had me on “pintos”! LOL! the beer idea is genius! I’ll share on our fb page too!

  15. Great bean recipe – I’m watching beans simmering as I write this and they might end up in a version of this recipe.

  16. billpeeler says:

    I grew up on pintos and cornbread, but never pintos like this! Sounds delicious!

  17. Maureen says:

    Yes, I think we should get a photo of you eating the beans after 5 or 10 beers πŸ™‚

    The pintos look great!

  18. Sounds great and the wonderful thing about a pot of beans is when you’re full of beans (or beer), you can freeze what’s left.

  19. Yum! I like that cooking/drinking plan too.

  20. egg me on says:

    Yowza! I’ve never heard of drunken pintos, but if you get to drink a bunch of beer while they cook, I’m in. What a great side dish.

  21. Jessica says:

    Mmm, I used to make a similar recipe, so I know these are good! ‘Round these parts, we call them borracho beans, aka…the same thing.

  22. I could eat this for breakfast, maybe skip the 5 beers tho!

  23. I like the way you think, Greg. Cheers!

  24. Beans in beer! Serious man food! πŸ™‚

  25. This is way I enjoying stopping by here, as you post things that speak to my soul. I’m just not sure a six pack would be enough though.

    Have a great weekend!

  26. Leo Cotnoir says:

    If you use a pressure cooker you can cut the cooking time from 90 minutes to 30 and eliminate soaking beforehand.

  27. Tammy says:

    Sounds delicious. I will make these next weekend.

  28. niasunset says:

    I loved the title πŸ™‚ Wonderful recipe, worthy to cook. Thank you dear Rufus, with my love, nia

  29. G-LO says:

    First thing that popped into my head when I saw that photo:


  30. This sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Karen says:

    Beer and beans…sounds good.

  32. spicegirlfla says:

    Drunken beans…why not! These would certainly be fun to bring to a potlock! Mention drunken anything and everyone will be after it!!

  33. Sounds great but I can’t eat hot foods. I think I can change it to suit my needs though. Looks so good.

  34. Pingback: Carne Asada and a Cinco de Mayo Roundup | Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

  35. Pingback: Cooking with Beer (now with 50 recipes!) « Worthy of Love

  36. Pingback: Cooking with Beer (now with 50 recipes!) « Something Savory

  37. Pingback: Stuffed Peppers Again! | Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

  38. Pingback: Sunday Suppers: Cinco De Mayo Preparation | Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

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