For the Love of Blog: Rufus Turns Two

We kept some of those coasters

By Katherine

Two years ago Greg started this blog after a visit to the North Coast Brewery. I’m not a beer drinker, but I love that post. It’s one of the few that shows his face, handsome, happy and lit. But more importantly, I love it because I can look back at it as the start of something we’ve both come to love.

Like many bloggers, we’ll probably never make money off this little endeavor. We’ll never gain fame or fortune or sell a cookbook. That’s just fine. (Although we do think The Rufus Guide to Eating, Drinking and Life would be a chart topper, especially if we could use this guy’s picture.) Or maybe this one:

Wise men braid garlic barefoot

We do this because we love to. We love having a record, our own little online cookbook, of where we’ve been and the food we’ve enjoyed together. We love that so many familiar faces stop by each day, people who live thousands of miles away, in other states, countries, time zones. We love that we also have found a seat at so many of your tables.

What have we learned in two years of blogging?

Not everyone appreciates anchovies like we do, no matter how pretty we make them:

I ran out of goat cheese or there would not be any bread showing through at all

Icing cupcakes isn’t our thing. Neither is growing squash.

So pretty how the light accents the utter destruction

I’ll keep leaving the hamburger patting and pie crust making to Greg. He’ll keep leaving the desserts to me.

It’s like a funny, brown hat

We’ve learned that the well never really goes dry, even when the lineup starts looking thin, and that there are thousands of ways to mix a cocktail.

Mostly we’ve learned that those who eat to live have it all backwards.

They’ve never stolen one of Greg’s meatballs when he wasn’t looking.

That is cheesy

Or foregone a traditional Thanksgiving to eat this:

This feeds a family of four four times

Maybe their kitchen is never steeped in the smell of roasting garlic and tomatoes.

This is a great example of an unhealthy vegetarian meal

They don’t know just how much better homemade jam is.

Those are the canning jars sterilizing in the background

They probably think fancy restaurants are the only place to mark special occasions.

A civilized person would still use a knife and fork even with the handy bones still attached

They probably always skip dessert, which is actually fine in our book too…

So refreshing

… as long as they remember the nightcap.

Nothing like a stiff drink

Thanks for reading. We’ll be back tomorrow with post No. 707.

About Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

This blog attempts to collect some of the things I try to create with food and booze. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. My hope is to entertain and maybe help people think a little harder about what they decide to eat and drink.
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96 Responses to For the Love of Blog: Rufus Turns Two

  1. sallybr says:

    So happy to have found your spot in the blogosphere and get the daily feed of your never ending food and drinks adventures!

    it s been wonderful, and I look forward to two, four, six, eight more years!

  2. Kristy says:

    Congratulations! The two of you have made my table more delicious. I’m glad that you share your cooking and eating adventures with us. Here’s to many more years of good food and memories. You guys are awesome!

  3. easybaked says:

    Aww….congratulations! I’m glad to have found you two in the great blogging universe! 707 posts in 2 years…..WOW!!!!!!!!! I am floored by that number…! I was super excited to hit 100! Best wishes for all your future posts– anchovies and all!

  4. TasteFood says:

    Congratulations! Thank you for your daily inspiration!

  5. congrats on your milestone! I enjoy the blog daily ` so lovely and delicious. Best, Elaine Spitz

  6. Alicia says:

    Congratulations! You guys do such an amazing job, and this is a wonderful tribute to all you have done these past two years!

  7. A_Boleyn says:

    Congratulations on the anniversary. Great memories of great recipes and pictures to illustrate them.

  8. Congratulations! Two years is a long time to keep up such consistent quality.

  9. Congratulations! You two are really a difficult act to follow – so inspirational, wonderful photographs, great sense of humour and such commitment to your ‘job’ in this vast cyber world.
    Love to see you around for quite some time yet. Ciao Carina

  10. Congratulations guys! I love your blog. 🙂
    PS. Some of us believe anchovies are a gift from God. x

  11. Happy 2nd Blogoversary! I will gladly eat the extra anchovies for those who don’t like them.
    🙂 Mandy

  12. Natalie Ward says:

    Congratulations! I can’t believe it’s only two years, you two are epic, how do you post every day?
    Rufus says congrats too, I just showed him the photo of Greg with the empty beers & he licked the screen so that’s nice¡ 😉 reminds him of his Daddy I suppose! Seriously it is amazing what you do keep it up!! xx

  13. Looks pretty damn good to me:)

  14. Congratulations! My family thanks you for the crab cakes and Thanksgiving cranberries with raspberry sauce. Our spice rack thanks you, too. You have sent me out to find Old Bay and cardamon. One of your readers taught us that if you put pvc pipe out under the pecan trees, the squirrels will gather the pecans for us. Love your site, your taste, and adventures away from home and in the garden. Keep it up and thank you!

  15. Happy Blogiversary, you two!

  16. Arriving at two years is one feat, but the amount you guys kick out is another. It’s as though you are twenty-two with all the posts you have created! We have enjoyed several dishes found here and always enjoy the humor! Good luck for many more years of blogging.

  17. egg me on says:

    Major Congrats, guys! It’s thoughtful, well-written and tantalizing posts (& pics) like this one that keep me and many others coming back every day. Thanks, and I can’t wait to see what you cook up next. 😃

  18. Michelle says:

    Many happy returns!

  19. Congratultions!
    You guys always inspire me and put a smile on my face with your smart joke and wonderful recipes
    Thank you for all the effort you put into this amazing blog

  20. cecilia says:

    I remember that shot of the garlic plaiting.. excellent light. and TWO.. wow.. good for you TWO too reaching TWO! And I agree with Our Sawson, thank you so much for all the effort you put in and your delicious smart alec ways! c

  21. G-LO says:

    Wow! Two years! Most impressive. Keep up the great work. And thanks for making me hungry and thirsty with this post. Lamb chops for breakfast? Yes please! 🙂


  22. Eva Taylor says:

    Congratulations Katherine and Greg! Such an accomplishment. I look forward to many more years of your blogging!

  23. wok with ray says:

    Hi Katherine,

    I agree with you that food blogging may not be our ticket to fame, and wealth; however, It opened doors to express our passion and it gave us opportunities to meet lots of good people like you and Greg. Congratulations to you guys and I wish you more success on what you do.

    ~ ray ~

  24. Congrats – enjoy your blog so keep on keepin on – Here’s to another great year!!!

  25. Mad Dog says:


  26. Happy 2 years! I remember that braiding photo.

  27. Maureen says:

    wow – that’s a lot of posts in 2 years – well done! My husband agrees on the chops. “If God wanted us to use a knife and fork, why did he give us a handle?” as he gnaws on the bone.

  28. Looove reading your blog, it’s awesome, funny, and inspiring! 700+ posts in two years, that’s beyond amazing. Congratulations!!!

  29. ChgoJohn says:

    And what a prolific two years it has been! Yours is truly an exceptional blog and one that I look forward to reading every day. Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary and I can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for us in the next two.

  30. joshuafagans says:

    Congrats! You will always be famous here!

  31. Woot Woot!! Congratulations to you both on your two years blogging together. Yours was one of the first to introduce me to so many other bloggers in this “racket”.. and I’m grateful for it. Yours was also one of the first to come over to my little blog and comment. You’re pro’s at blogging and I always love to see what you’ve made.. Looking forward to the next year, it was fun looking back at your favorite posts! xx

  32. rsmacaalay says:

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!

  33. I will never. ever. ever. forget that timpano. Ever.
    Congrats on the 2 yrs! Many more to come! 🙂

  34. niasunset says:

    Congratulations dear Katherine and dear Rufus! Maybe I can’t write to you as before but I always visit your beautiful blog. You are both a great team, and I love to read your posts and also I love your amazing photographs and I am crazy with some of your recipes… How beautiful couple you are. God Bless you dear friends. Thank you for sharing with us, you make my day every time from the far distance, as if you are here with me. Blessing and Happiness, love, nia

  35. You guys have been such a huge inspiration to me! I am so happy that you have reached this milestone and wish you many more to come!

  36. Caroline says:

    Congrats to you both!! And holy cow, I don’t remember seeing that timpano…WOW. Here’s to many more years of blogging. 🙂

  37. nancyc says:

    Congratulations, and Happy 2nd Blogaversary! 🙂

  38. Lisa says:

    Congratulations on two years! I enjoy visiting your blog often, and always leave hungry (sometimes thirsty). Here’s to another two years … at least!

  39. Don’t know how I missed this post, but congratulations on two years of blogging! I love your blog, your sense of humor and oh yes, the food and drink! 🙂

  40. Kath the Cook says:

    Excellent job and well done (ha, cooking joke). Your site is one of my regulars – looking forward to many more posts.

  41. Jessica says:

    Congrats, guys!! I’m always impressed by your diligence and ideas. (my blog is 4 months older, and I’m only at 279 posts!) I hadn’t seen that timpano post, but have heard about those. Crazy! Keep up the great work.

  42. Congratulations on 2 years! Your posts are wonderful and a treat to read. I wish you another 20!

  43. Lauren says:

    I’m late to the party, but happy birthday! You’re just a tad older than Nora. Who knew?

  44. What a team you make – congratulations and here´s to many more years 🙂

  45. spree says:

    It’s remarkable to me that the two of you, as brilliant a twosome as you are, can manage to get a post out daily! You set the bar high, you two! Congratulations, Happy (belated) Birthday (?) and many more sweet, savory, umami nummy years more doing what you love! We love that you’re here!

  46. Sara says:

    Congratulations! And by the way, how did I miss the timpano? That’s insane.

  47. nrhatch says:

    Happy Anniversary! I don’t live to eat . . . but I do love to eat. And your blog is a special place to visit. Thanks, guys!

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