Avocados stuffed with Tomatoes, Bacon and More

You can’t stop at 4

We went heavy on the tomato and light on the chicken in this recipe. It’s tomato season after all. The filling should be enough for three to four avocados.

Stuffed Avocados

  • 4-5 avocados (1 for the dressing, plus 3-4 for stuffing)
  • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • 1/2 red pepper, diced
  • 2-4 tbsp diced red or green onion
  • 3 slices cooked bacon
  • 1/2 chicken breast chopped (roughly 1/4-1/3 cup)

Scoop the flesh from one avocado into a blender. Puree with the yogurt, lemon juice, olive oil and some black pepper. Chop two of three slices of bacon. In a large bowl, mix dressing, chicken, pepper, onion, chopped bacon and tomatoes. Add salt and pepper as needed. Half the remaining avocados and remove the seeds. Lay flat on a plate and divide filling evenly among the avocados, mounding it into the holes. Crumble the remaining bacon on top.

About Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

This blog attempts to collect some of the things I try to create with food and booze. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. My hope is to entertain and maybe help people think a little harder about what they decide to eat and drink.
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23 Responses to Avocados stuffed with Tomatoes, Bacon and More

  1. I am speechless. This is everything that is delicious stuffed into an avocado. Wow.

  2. Carolyn Chan says:

    I love your latest recipes – it’s a dish in one !

  3. Gorgeous – avocado and bacon were made for each other!

  4. Good idea. Definitely one to be done.

  5. sallybr says:

    Absolutely awesome! A little chicken never hurt anyone, but the advice to go light on it to make more room to tomatoes is definitely the way to go!

    Hubby would love this, it’s his kind of food, all the way…..

  6. Eva Taylor says:

    What a great summer meal, love avocado and chicken combo.

  7. I’m leaving out the chicken, but this is a must.
    Thanks, you two!

  8. Love this idea! And the variations are endless.

  9. Kristy says:

    I’ve never stuffed avocados before. This looks fantastic. I bet if I went heavy on the chicken and lighter on the tomatoes the kids would even like it. 🙂

  10. You know, I don’t think I’d ever thought of an avocado as a meal before seeing this dish. How lovely, and delicious…and impossible to eat just 2…or 4, as you said!

  11. I love avocados.. How awesome to eat one all stuffed and pretty like this!

  12. Mad Dog says:

    I might have to put a little bit of chopped chilli pepper in there too 😉

  13. This sounds like a great summer dish.

  14. reydan says:

    Just had my breakfast and here I am.. craving now for avocado! Whheeew!

  15. Gasp! It’s like a delicious variation on the Cobb salad without the pesky lettuce to get in the way. Yum!

  16. It is so bloody hot here in Nashville I can’t even think of cooking….so your avocado looks so cool and delicious.

  17. Ed used to cook something similar to this as our favourite starter. Fab combo. Must get him back on it.

  18. egg me on says:

    Okay, catching up since I was in the middle of Wyoming without an Internet connection … these look awesome! Like a “healthier” version of potato skins. Can we call these avocado skins?? I’m going to.

  19. Okay, definitely making these. I love avocados and I also happen to love STUFFING things…and overstuffing them, at that. LOL.

  20. Dave says:

    Stuffed avocados?!? You rock! I could see this with shrimp too. Thanks for sharing.

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