Let the bug inspections begin

Maybe enough to replant and eat a few

After everything that happened to the garlic this year, I still harvested about 15 medium sized bulbs. Since I had been prepared for none it seems to have worked out. Of course it could have been more than 30 large bulbs plus a few dozen scapes, but who’s counting.

The squash plants are already looking a lot healthier, so now it is time to begin looking for the bugs. This means turning over each leaf in search of little black eggs in a tight pattern every other day. As time progresses, it will also require plucking live bugs off the plants and dropping them in a bowl of soapy water. The first inspection yielded none, but when it happens there will be photos to explain better. This year, I will get a squash harvest.

The recent rain made it a little harder to quickly check for the eggs

About Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

This blog attempts to collect some of the things I try to create with food and booze. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. My hope is to entertain and maybe help people think a little harder about what they decide to eat and drink.
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22 Responses to Let the bug inspections begin

  1. You are so patient, but I guess that’s what yields the best results. I’ve just let the bugs have a feast. Might revisit my gardening project in spring.

  2. nrhatch says:

    I’m glad that you ended up with garlic after your dog’s best efforts to destroy the crop. πŸ˜€

  3. Kristy says:

    Fantastic! Look at that garlic. I know you’ll do something delicious with it. πŸ™‚

  4. Nothing better than garlic out of the garden, when the dog leaves it alone that is. When I lived in Florida the biggest problem was always the bugs. If it wasn’t the little ones it was the locusts that could carry away small children.

  5. ChgoJohn says:

    Really glad you salvaged some of the garlic and I think it safe to say that we’re all hoping that you beat the bugs this year.

  6. So pleased you managed to get some garlic after the doggy antics!

  7. The garlic is looking good, nothing better than fresh garlic. And good luck with the bug hunting!

  8. rsmacaalay says:

    I hope I can be like you, can cook and have a green finger. Plants just dont want me, the moment I take care of them they die, thats why I told my wife I will take care of all the weeds in the garden

  9. Sending all the Squash Karma I have your way…Bugs, Begone!

  10. Mad Dog says:

    The garlic looks good in spite of the dog πŸ˜‰

  11. I wish you luck and love with your garden. My squash plants are small but healthy..so we shall see. One never knows with gardening…it is rather like a crap shoot every day…full of surprises, disappointments and fun.

  12. Tandy says:

    Even one garlic plant would have me proud! I think I should have done a bug inspection on my basil as something ate it all up πŸ™‚

  13. Carolyn Chan says:

    The garlic still looks great ! The one thing I don’t miss about having a garden are the bugs πŸ™‚

  14. billpeeler says:

    The garlic looks awesome – congrats on what you were able to bring in. Hope the rest of the season yields more and more for you guys —-

  15. niasunset says:

    They look so nice… you did great job with your garden. Thanks and Love, nia

  16. Good luck with the bug-watch!

  17. The garlic looks great! Look forward to reading more about your garden posts. I could use a few tips!

  18. Michelle says:

    That’s some fine looking garlic.

  19. JamieAnne says:

    Good luck with the bugs. I’m fighting bugs right now.

  20. whats the secret? I tried doing garlic last year and mine never really blossomed or whatever term you use for garlic! I am jealous!

  21. Glad you managed to get garlic and I hope the squash will work out well too

  22. Your careful inspections proved fruitful to yield a colorful harvest…more coming, I’m sure. You do the same with the tomatoes I’m sure.

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