The humble burger and a Memorial Day preview

Or as humble as I can get

The wife and I love an excuse to grill out and thankfully can do so year round. Sure, the bugs may eat me alive (mosquitoes seem to think I taste better than Katherine) and the heat may kill me come August, but firing up the grill in January is a huge perk of living in the South.

For you Northerners, and anyone else who’s ushering in summer on Monday, we’ll be posting some recipes over the next few days that are perfect for a barbecue. If you live outside the U.S. and aren’t even sure what Memorial Day is, no worries. Hopefully, you’ll see something you like.

We’ll have some barbecue baked beans, grilled corn on the cob, a few potato salads, deviled eggs, a refreshing cocktail and maybe even one of those cakes with strawberries and blueberries in the shape of an American flag. Whoops, wrong holiday.

So let’s get things started with what else, a nice juicy burger. This recipe makes two nice burgers. If you’re cooking for a bigger crowd, double, triple, heck quadruple the recipe.

A note about the buns. I use a recipe from The Bread Bible. But I’ve been thinking of making up a batch of these beauties from Flour, Water and Yeast once I’ve cleared out the ones I froze from my last batch.

Portabello burger

  • 1 pound lean ground beef
  • half an onion, diced fine
  • 1 tsp porcini powder (about one-two dried porcini mushrooms ground up in the coffee grinder)
  • two portabello caps
  • splash of balsamic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • fresh Mozzarella, tomato and basil to taste
  • two hamburger buns

Combine meat, onion, porcini powder, a splash of balsamic, salt and pepper in bowl. Mix well. Shape into patties, packing well. Cook on a grill until done to your liking. When the burgers are almost done, brush the portabello caps with olive oil and balsamic. Cook until tender, about five minutes depending on how hot the fire is. Top each burger with a portabello cap, fresh Mozzarella, basil and tomato. (We’re holding out on those for a few more months.)

About Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

This blog attempts to collect some of the things I try to create with food and booze. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. My hope is to entertain and maybe help people think a little harder about what they decide to eat and drink.
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50 Responses to The humble burger and a Memorial Day preview

  1. mozza & portabello topping on the burger = delish
    we just wrapped up the first holiday weekend of the summer here in canada (victoria day), but i’m sure there will be plenty more opportunities to grill up some yummy burgers! happy summer!

  2. Wow! This looks delicious! Great photos!

    Great blog; happy I found you!

    Delightful Bitefuls

  3. Ohhhh I love a good deviled egg or as my mom calls them “angel eggs” lol. And potato salad or grilled anything is my favorite. And mosquitos have been eating me alive all spring. It’s like they gravitate to me and I have no idea why. I tell you what though, I bought the mosquito repellent fan, and I’m much happier lol.

  4. joshuafagans says:

    How in the world do you guys get so many blog entries out?!? You are amazing. Nothing like a good burger. I’d recommend grinding your own beef if you have the equipment. I use chuck and salt and pepper the night before and the do a double grind and don’t pack too tight. Alright, now I want a burger!

  5. ChefMom says:

    Oh yum! I want one of those burgers right now. I have a total soft spot for portabellos too. Looking forward to more of your Memorial recipes too. I may have to use some this weekend!

  6. My hubby would braai (barbecue) 7 days a week! Your portabello burgers look outstanding and I am looking forward to all your potato salads, devilled eggs and cocktail recipes.
    🙂 Mandy

  7. Hmmmm, burger. Havent seen any of those here in Thailand. Missing Western food sometimes like the good old humble burger. But lots of goodies to eat in Thailand as just posted on my travel blog

    Keep the beautiful food blog going. Love receiving the new posts.

    Kind regards


  8. Kiki says:

    The dried porcini powder seems like an interesting twist, I’d never have thought of that. Looking forward to your potato salad recipes!

  9. That is no humble burger! It looks mouth watering good!
    great picture by the way 🙂

  10. This looks amazing – not something we can easily get or make here in southern Spain, but it´s good to dream! And we´re like you, any excuse to barbecue, which we can luckily do most of the year. Evenings only in summertime though or we´d collapse with heat exhaustion!

  11. fatisrecipes says:

    Aah, adding portobello caps is a good idea… yum! We often go with the typical tomato lettuce and mayo instead…. 🙂

  12. Karen says:

    That’s one mean looking burger!! 🙂 I can’t wait for your BBQ recipes.

  13. rutheh says:

    There are two new burger restaurants in our area- Brrrrgr and Burgatory.
    Burgers were okay but the places were loud and they keep trying to push their alcoholic milkshakes which should be a separate trip, not with the giant burger!

    Have tried both places and neither of their burgers looks as delicious as your photo.
    Plus, if you grill at home you can talk to one another and be heard. Looks great!

    • My wife hates how loud some restaurants are. She actually ate a burger on a subway platform in DC instead of in the Five Guys. (We were rushing to eat!) Alcoholic milkshakes, ha, we just made one of those.:) I do love the name Burgatory.

  14. Mmmm I’m hungry now! I’ll have to give this a try. I love portabellos, and I never use them….

  15. The cheese dripping down on that burger is a picture worth 1000 words!

  16. Ginger says:

    It sounds like you have the same sweet blood as my daughter, the mosquitos love her, too. This burger sounds fantastic, have a great holiday!

  17. Charles says:

    Aaah, just needs a fat slice of onion! Incidentally, there’s a great product from Sweden called “MyggA” – I’ve never seen it for sale anywhere else, but you can buy it in stick or roll-on, a bit like a deodorant. You just apply it to exposed skin and it repels mosquitoes – I’ve always found it to be really effective – would definitely recommend it if you ever see it for sale online or anything.

  18. Kas says:

    I have yet to try a Portabello burger (sad, I know) but this one looks delicious! Might have to try it while grilling this weekend.

  19. Thanks for the link! If you make the buns, I hope you enjoy them just as much as I did! Your burgers look incredible… it’s only 10:00 in the morning and I already want to eat one. Cheers!

  20. Ooh, a portobello burger with meat in it? Yes!

  21. JamieAnne says:

    Great recipe. I like the addition of mushrooms in and on the burger. 🙂

  22. Lou says:

    That looks wonderful. Love the mushroom and the oozing cheese.
    We have a gas BBQ right outside our back door and although here in Scotland the weather for eating out comes along rarely, we do cook a lot on the barbie. Roasting a chicken on it tonight.

  23. Oh my! Those look so darn good!!! I love mushrooms and burgers together, or on their own, or on steak ….mmmmm. Love love love the photo. We are getting a new grill this weekend , and I now know that grilled portabellos will be on the menu. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  24. love how the cheese is melting down the buger! Beautiful! Great recipe!!!!

  25. kellie says:

    wow, what a burger….hahaha! I could just sink my teeth right into one of those. Thanks for sharing…..And have a nice week-end!

  26. eva626 says:

    burgers are the ultimate fulling food…i just love them…so simple but you can get so creative with them!

  27. I could definitely eat that even without the burger, giant portabello and mozzarella, now you’re talking! I just wish we could get those gorgeous mushrooms over here, not fair!!

  28. TasteFood says:

    Now that’s a burger! I like your humble aspirations.

  29. Great pic, great combo! Wish I could find the ambition to make my own bread for my burgers…

  30. Linda says:

    I’m lucky like you to grill year round but it seems like I still follow the summer seasons and look forward to burgers more now than thru the winter months! Looking forward to your future bbq posts!!

  31. Caroline says:

    Your Memorial Day menu sounds absolutely fantastic. Looks like I need to start planning one–I’m behind! This burger looks delicious, and yes, my mouth is watering. That gooey cheese is sinful. Look forward to seeing your other recipes for the holiday.

  32. Nina says:

    Wow, does that photo look amazingly delish! Look forward to your other BBQ posts – terrrific way to kick off the holiday weekend. Hmmm, I dont’ have a copy of the Bread Bible … do I need to rethink that? Cheers!

  33. The Little Spork says:

    These burgers look fantastic, and I’m super excited to see your next couple of posts now that the weather is finally getting warmer where I am!!

  34. Christy says:

    Memorial Day, ahhhh…a nice holiday for families to hang out together and enjoy BBQ parties like these yea?:) We don’t really have that from where I am, but trust me when I say that my country has more than our share of public holidays throughout the entire year:p
    Awesome burger, can’t even remember the last time I’ve had a burger…or attended a BBQ party…yeah, it’s been that longggggg! (time to revive some of these:)

  35. nancyc says:

    That looks like a great burger…and the homemade buns sound so good, too–there’s nothing like homemade when it comes to breads!

  36. foodtable says:

    Hey, thanks for checking out my blog. Yours looks great! That portabello burger is so yummy! And thank goodness..I forgot all about Memorial Day!

  37. Rufus, the porcini powder mixed in with your ground beef sounds excellent. We are definitely mushroom aholics over here and these burgers sound “off the hook”. Maybe I have been watching too much Food Network.

  38. ChgoJohn says:

    I’m loving this blog entry (and blog, by the way). I cannot recall the last time I bought ground meat of any kind. My grinder has become an indispensable part of my kitchen’s arsenal. I, too, grill portabella caps with my burgers but I’m “stealing” your porcini powder idea. And I’ve been looking for a good hamburger bun recipe. I think I just found it. Thanks!

  39. rsmacaalay says:

    Wow this is way much better than my bacon mushroom melt burger!

  40. That humble burger is asking to be eaten 🙂

  41. Pingback: An Ode to the Burger | Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

  42. Pingback: Happy Memorial Day | Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide

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